Mira Dancy: Up and Coming: In London, Paris, and New York, Mira Dancy’s Nudes Reclaim the Female Body

Article:  Up and Coming: In London, Paris, and New York, Mira Dancy’s Nudes Reclaim the Female Body


"When Mira Dancy entered undergrad at Bard College in 1997, it wasn’t for painting. “I went there with the intention of studying writing and poetry, but the art teachers were totally electrifying,” she says, sitting in her high-ceilinged Gowanus cubicle amid black-and-white murals and colorful paintings of muscular female nudes, diving or in states of languorous repose. “Amy Sillman and Elizabeth Murray were two of my first painting teachers. Working with them versus the professors in the poetry department—who were mostly 80-year-old men? They just had this energy.”  more at Artsy
