Renée Cox, Chitra Ganesh: 13 Artists Explore Female Empowerment in American Art

Article:  13 Artists Explore Female Empowerment in American Art

(The Creators Project)

The exhibition features an array of female artists—Jaishri Abichandani, Renée Cox, Ayana Evans, FlucT, Angela Fraleigh, Chitra Ganesh, Rachel Mason, Marilyn Minter, Sophia Narrett, Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz, Michele Pred, Ventiko, and Shoshanna Weinberger—who each use their art practices to critically consider the past and future of feminism in American culture. “Each artist gracefully embraces the topic in a way that elevates women, hence the title, (em)power,” explains Jampol. “Michele Pred's blinking vintage purses tell the tale of the fight of ownership over one's body and ongoing lessons in women's rights. Shoshanna Weinberger's large scale painting, Backlit Smoker, glorifies bedroom pleasures. And Angela Fraleigh explores fantasy, sexuality and nostalgia in large-scale, heavily gold-leafed canvases unveiling what never was.”

Renee Cox Yo Mama Taylor Collection Denver